在 Yeetalk,保护你的隐私是我们的首要任务,在设计和构建你熟悉且喜爱的服务和产品时,我们始终将你的隐私安全作为重要考量,以便你可以完全信任这些服务和产品。
我们在保护你的隐私方面,不会妥协。 我们在设计所有的产品和服务时都会考虑你的隐私安全,我们的团队专家来自各个领域,包括法律、安全、工程、产品设计和其它领域,以确保在尊重你的隐私的前提下做出所有决定。
关于你的数据的处理方式,我们尽力向你保持透明。 我们使用简明的语言叙述隐私政策和相关文件,而不使用过于复杂的语言,并提供足够的信息,我们真诚希望你阅读我们的政策并了解我们的隐私保护政策。
我们会努力保证你的信息安全。 我们拥有专门保护你的数据安全的团队,我们将不断更新安全措施,增加安全投入,以提高你信息的安全性。
1. 本隐私政策的适用范围
本隐私政策适用于由 Yeetalk 品牌运营的网站、应用、活动和其他服务,为简单起见,我们在本隐私政策中将所有这些项目称为“服务”。为了使之更加明确,我们在所有适用的服务中都增加了本隐私政策的链接,一些服务可能需要专属的隐私政策,如果某项服务有自己的隐私政策,那么该专属隐私政策将适用于相关服务项目。
2. 我们收集的信息
- 当你创建帐户时,至少向我们提供你的登录信息以及我们提供服务所必需的一些基本详细信息,例如你的手机号、性别和出生日期。你提供的手机号将作为你后续登录使用Yeetalk的用户凭证。
- 当填写个人资料时,你可以与我们分享其他信息,例如个人介绍文字和照片等。要添加某些内容,例如照片,你可能需要允许我们访问你的相机或相册。你选择向我们提供的某些信息在某些司法管辖区内可能被视为“特殊”或“敏感”信息,例如你的种族或民族、性取向和宗教信仰。选择提供这些信息即表示你同意我们处理这些信息。
- 当你在使用语音或视频聊天时,我们将需要想你索取相关的权限,其中敏感权限包括麦克风、摄像头,这些权限只有在你明确同意后我们才会在你同意的范围内调用或使用。你可以在手机设置中查看和管理这些权限。
- 当你订阅付费服务或直接通过我们(而不是通过 iOS 或 Android 等平台)消费时,你将向我们或我们的付款服务提供商提供某些信息,例如你的借记卡或信用卡号或其他财务信息。
- 当你参与调查或参加焦点小组或市场研究时,你将向我们提供对我们产品和服务的意见,回答我们的问题并提供评价。
- 当你选择参加我们的促销、活动或竞赛时,我们会收集你用于注册或参赛的信息。
- 如果你联系我们的帮助团队,我们会收集你在互动过程中提供给我们的信息。有时候,我们会监控或记录这些互动,以便进行培训和确保高质量的服务。
- 如果你请求我们与他人沟通或处理其他人的信息(例如,你请求我们代你向你的某位朋友发送短信或电子邮件),我们会收集你提供给我们的其他人的信息,以便完成你的请求。
- 作为服务运营的一部分,我们还会处理你与其他用户的文本、语音和视频聊天内容,以及你发布的内容。
- 其他用户
- 社交媒体
你可以使用社交媒体帐户创建和登录 Yeetalk 帐户。
- 其他合作伙伴
我们可能会从我们的合作伙伴那里收到有关你的信息,例如,当可以通过合作伙伴的网站创建 Yeetalk帐户时(在这种情况下,他们会将注册信息传给我们)或者在合作伙伴的网站和平台上发布 Yeetalk 的广告时(在这种情况下,他们可能会将营销活动成果的详细信息传给我们)。
- 使用信息
- 设备信息
- 硬件和软件信息,例如IP 地址、设备 ID 和类型、设备特定的设置和应用程序设置和特征、应用程序崩溃、已安装应用列表、广告 ID(例如 Google 的 AAID 和 Apple 的IDFA,它们都是随机生成的数字,你可以通过你设备的设置功能进行重置)、浏览器类型、版本和语言、操作系统、时区、与 Cookie或其他可以确定你的具体设备或浏览器的技术相关的标识符(例如IMEI/UDID 和 MAC 地址);
- 关于你的无线和移动网络连接的信息,例如你的服务提供商和信号强度;
- 关于设备传感器的信息,如加速度计、陀螺仪和指南针。
- 经你同意收集的其他信息
如果你允许,根据你使用的服务和设备(包括 GPS、蓝牙或 Wi-Fi连接),我们会通过各种方式收集关于你的精确地理位置(经度和纬度)的信息,以便于向你提供需要使用地理位置信息的功能。如果你明确同意我们这样做,即使在你未使用服务时,我们也可能在后台收集关于你的地理位置的信息。如果你拒绝我们收集关于你的地理位置的信息,我们则不会收集这一信息。
3. Cookie 和其他类似数据收集技术
我们将使用并可能允许他人使用 Cookie和类似技术(例如网络信标、像素)来识别你或你的设备,我们会使用这些技术比如来验证你的身份、记住你的偏好和设置、分析网站流量和趋势、进行营销活动和评估营销活动的效果、方便你使用社交功能,你可以通过浏览器设置和其他工具更好地控制这些技术的使用。
有些网络浏览器(包括 Safari、Internet Explorer、Firefox 和 Chrome)具有“禁止跟踪”(“DNT”)功能,该功能会告知网站,用户不希望其在线活动被跟踪。 如果响应 DNT信号的网站收到 DNT 信号,则浏览器可以阻止该网站收集有关浏览器用户的某些信息。 并非所有浏览器都提供 DNT 功能,DNT 信号目前也尚未统一, 因此,包括 Yeetalk 在内的许多企业目前都不响应 DNT信号。
4. 第三方SDK数据收集
腾讯云即时通信 IM SDK
实时音视频 TRTC SDK
- 第三方名称:小米移动软件有限公司
- 使用目的:用于在小米设备上推送消息
- 处理方式:通过去标识化、加密传输和处理的安全处理方式
- 收集个人信息类型:设备标识OAID、加密的Android ID;设备厂商、设备型号、设备内存、操作系统版本、小米推送SDK版本、设备归属地(国家或地区)、SIM卡运营商名称、当前网络类型。其中当前网络类型、SIM卡运营商名称仅在设备本地读取,不会上传至小米服务器。
- 第三方隐私政策或官网链接: https://dev.mi.com/console/doc/detail?pId=1822
微信Open SDK
- 第三方名称:支付宝(中国)网络技术有限公司
- 使用目的:1.保障用户账户和资金安全以及支付服务的安全稳定运行;2.履行反洗钱、反恐怖融资、反电信网络诈骗等法定义务;3.实现网络链路的选择和优化,以提升用户体验。
- 收集个人信息类型:IMEI、IMSI、MAC 地址、设备序列号、硬件序列号、SIM卡序列号、ICCID、;Android ID、OAID、SSID、BSSID;系统设置、系统属性、设备型号、设备品牌、操作系统;IP 地址、网络类型、运营商信息、Wi-Fi 状态、Wi-Fi 参数、Wi-Fi 列表;软件安装列表。
- 第三方隐私政策或官网链接:https://opendocs.alipay.com/common/02kiq3
- 第三方名称:友盟同欣(北京)科技有限公司、北京锐讯灵通科技有限公司
- 使用目的:实现统计分析、一键分享服务
- 处理方式:去标识化、加密传输的安全处理方式
- 收集个人信息类型:设备信息(IMEI/MAC/Android ID/IDFA/OpenUDID/GUID/SIM卡IMSI/ICCID/地理位置等)、应用列表、社交账户公开信息
- 第三方隐私政策或官网链接:https://www.umeng.com/page/policy
Bugly SDK
应用性能监控全链路版 SDK
5. 我们如何使用信息
- 创建和管理你的帐户
- 为你提供客户支持并响应你的要求
- 完成你的交易
- 就我们的服务与你沟通,包括订单管理和计费
- 分析你以及其他用户的个人资料和使用行为,并据此推荐有意义的联系
- 向其他用户展示用户个人资料
- 连接你使用的各种设备,以便你可以在所有设备上享受一致的服务体验。我们实现这一点的方式是当你在不同设备登录帐户时连接设备和浏览器数据,或使用部分或全部 IP地址、浏览器版本或关于你的设备的类似数据,以识别和连接不同设备。
- 管理焦点小组和调查
- 对用户行为进行研究和分析,以改善我们的服务和内容(例如,我们可能根据用户的行为而决定改变外观和风格,甚至大幅度修改特定功能)
- 开发新的功能和服务(例如,我们可能决定针对用户提出的请求创建新的基于兴趣的功能)。
- 处理平台内外正在进行或涉嫌的违规行为
- 进行数据分析以更好地理解和设计针对这些活动的对策
- 保留与欺诈活动相关的数据以防止欺诈再次发生
- 遵守法律要求
- 协助执法
- 执行或行使我们的权利,例如我们的条款中包含的权利
- 向你提供我们的服务:大多情况下,我们处理你的信息的原因是为了履行你与我们之间的合同。例如,当你使用我们的服务建立有意义的联系时,我们会使用你的信息来维护你的帐户和个人资料,并使其他用户可以看到你的信息。
- 正当利益:我们可能会出于正当利益而使用你的信息。例如,我们分析用户使用我们服务时的行为从而不断改进我们的服务和产品,并且我们会出于管理,欺诈检测和其他法律目的而处理信息。
- 同意:我们可能会不时出于某些特定原因要求你同意我们使用你的信息。你可以随时通过本隐私政策末尾提供的地址与我们联系,撤销你的同意。
6. 我们如何分享信息
- 与其他用户分享
当你主动在服务中披露信息(包括你的公开个人资料)时,我们将与其他用户分享信息,并在 Yeetalk上有共享功能的情况下,与你选择共享信息的个人或应用程序分享信息。请慎重分享信息,并确保你分享的内容是可以接受被公开浏览的内容,因为一旦你分享了信息,你或我们都无法控制其他人如何处理你的信息。
- 与我们的服务提供商和合作伙伴分享
- 与其他公司分享
- 用于公司交易
- 在法律要求时分享信息
在以下情况下,我们可能会在合理必要时披露你的信息:(i) 遵守法律程序,例如法院命令、传票或搜查令、政府/执法调查或其他法律要求;(ii)协助防范或发现犯罪行为(在每种情况下均受适用法律约束); (iii) 保护任何人的安全。
- 为执行合法权利而分享信息
我们还会在以下情况下分享信息:(i) 披露信息会减轻我们在实际或可能提起的诉讼中的责任;(ii)保护我们的合法权利以及我们用户、业务合作伙伴或其他相关方的合法权利需要;(iii) 执行我们与你的协议;以及(iv) 调查、防范非法活动、涉嫌欺诈或其他不法行为或针对其采取其他行动。
- 征得你的同意或根据你的要求
7. 跨境数据传输
分享第 5部分种所述的信息有时涉及跨境数据传输,比如向美国和其他司法管辖区传输。例如在向位于中国内的客户提供服务时,可能将他们的个人信息传输移到中国以外的国家/地区。在允许将数据从中国向其他国家/地区传输时,我们采用中国批准的标准合同条款或采取其他适当的保护措施。标准合同条款是传输个人数据的公司之间的约定,为他们设置了保护你的数据的隐私和安全的义务。
8. 你的权利
- 服务中的访问/更新功能
- 设备权限
- 查看你的信息
- 更新你的信息
- 注销帐号
- 卸载
- 追责
9. 我们如何保护你的信息
10. 我们保留你的信息多长时间
我们只会在合法业务目的(见第 4部分)需要以及在适用法律允许的时间内保留你的个人信息。为了保护我们的用户在服务中和服务外的安全,我们在帐户删除后将执行6个月的安全保留窗口期,在此期间,尽管帐户不会再显示在服务中,帐户信息仍将被保留。
- 根据适用法律,我们必须保留信息(例如,为符合法定数据保留义务,某些“流量数据”应保留一年);
- 为证明我们遵守适用法律,必须保留信息(例如,客户服务记录和支持数据,以及你同意我们的条款、隐私政策的记录和其他类似同意的记录将保留五年);
- 存在未决问题、索赔或争议,要求我们保留相关信息直至其解决
- 为保护我们的合法商业利益,例如防止欺诈和增强用户的安全和保障,必须保留信息,例如可能需要保留信息以防止因不安全行为或安全事件而被禁止使用服务的用户创建新帐户。
11. 联系我们
12. 隐私政策变更
It's our primary task to protect your privacy in Yeetalk. We always consider your privacy security in the first priority when designing and constructing the services and products that you are familiar with and love so that you can completely trust these services and products. This policy is made by “Yeetalk” operating company (hereinafter referred to as "Yeetalk" or "Us").
We wouldn't concede in protecting your privacy. We would consider your privacy security when designing all products and services. Our team experts are from all fields, including the law, security, engineering, product design and other fields to ensure all decisions are made on the premise of respecting your privacy.
We try our best to keep transparent to you about the processing method of your data. We narrate the privacy policy and the relevant documents with the concise language, instead of too complicated language, and provide enough information. We sincerely hope you read our policies and know our privacy policy.
We would strive to guarantee your information security. We have a team who specializes in protecting your data security, and we will constantly update the security measures and increase the security investment in order to improve the security of your information.
Privacy Policy
Thank you for your trust and providing us with your information. We will always strive to maintain your trust. Firstly, we will ensure you know what information we collect, why we collect information, how to use the collected information and how do you select these information. This policy describes our privacy measures with the common language and avoid using the legal and technical terms as far as possible.
1. Application scope of this privacy policy
This privacy policy is applicable to the website, app, activities operated by the Yeetalk brand. For the sake of simplicity, we call all these projects as "service" in the privacy policy. In order to make it clearer, we add the link of this privacy policy in all applicable services. Some services may need exclusive privacy policy. If certain service has own privacy policy, such exclusive privacy policy will be applicable to the relevant service project.
2. Information collected by us
Undoubtedly, if there isn't some information about you, such as basic detailed individual data, we can't help you establish the significant contact. We would also collect the information (such as the access log) generated upon your use of our services, and collect the information from the third party when you access our service through the third-party platform account. If you need to know more information, we will make detailed introduction thereinafter.
The information provided by you
You provide the following information for us when using our services:
- You shall provide us with your login information upon your creation of account and some basic detailed information needed when we provide service, such as your phone number, gender and date of birth.
- When filling individual data, you can share other information with us, such as individual introduction character and pictures, etc. You may need to allow us to access your camera or album when some contents, such as pictures, need to be added. Some information provided by you may be regarded as the "special" or "sensitive" information in some judicial districts, such as your race or ethnic group, sexual orientation and religious belief. Your providing these information indicates your consent in handling with these information by us.
- When you subscribe for the paid service or directly consume through us (instead of iOS or Android or other platforms), you will provide some information for our payment service provider, such as your debit card or credit card number or other financial information.
- When you participate in the survey or the focus group or market research, you will provide us with your opinions on our products and services, answer our problems and provide the evaluation.
- When you participate in our promotion, activity or competition, we will collect your information used for registration or competition entry.
- If you contact our help team, we will collect the information provided by you during the interaction process. Sometimes, we would monitor or record these interaction to facilitate the training and ensure the high-quality service.
- If you request us to communicate with others or handle with others' information (for example, you request us to send the message or e-mail to your certain friend on behalf of you), we will collect others' information provided by you for the convenience of completing your request.
- As a part of service operation, we would handle with the text, voice and video chat contents between you and other users and the contents released by you.
The information collected by us from others
In addition to the information directly provided by you, we will also receive the information about you from others, including
- Other users
Other users may provide the information about you when using our services. For example, when other users contact us due to the matters related to you, we may collect the information about you from them. Besides, if users require us to read his/her address book or the contact persons in the social media account, and your contact is exactly in the account, we may contact you with that information on behalf of users.
- Social media
You could create and log in the Yeetalk account with the social media account.
- Other partners
We may collect the information about you from our partners, for example, when we could create the Yeetalk account (on this occasion, they will send the registration information to us) through the website of partner or release the Yeetalk advertising (on this occasion, they may send the detailed information of marketing activity result to us) on the partner website and platform.
- The information collected when you use our service
When you use our service, we will collect the function you used, the method of using these functions and the information of equipment used to access our service. More detailed information is provided in the following text:
- Information for use
We will collect the information about activities conducted by you through our service, such as your usage of our service (including the login date and time, used function, search or search condition, clicks, page shown to you, access website, and advertising clicked by you) and the interaction method between you and other users (such as the users contacting you and interacting with you, exchange time and date, the quantity of information sent and received by you).
- Equipment information
We will collect the information of equipment used by you upon access of our service, including
- - Information about connection of your wireless and mobile network, such as your service provider and signal strength;
- I- Information about equipment sensor, such as the acceleration meter, gyroscope and compass.
- Other information collected with your consent
As well, if you consent our collection, we may collect the information about your pictures and videos when you hope to release the photo through service. We may also collect the information about your address book when you hope us to contact your friends on behalf of you.
In order for you to share your copied content, we need access to your clipboard to read the links and content contained therein to ensure that sharing and other functions are available. And when you choose to copy and paste text during text chat, post a comment, etc., we will access to your clipboard, but we do not store other information about your clipboard.
3. Collection technique of Cookie and other similar data
We will use and may allow others to use the Cookie and similar technology (such as Web Beacon and pixel) to recognize you or your equipment, and we will use these technologies to verify your identity, remember your preference and setting, analyze the website traffic and trend, conduct the marketing activity and evaluate the effect of marketing activity in order to facilitate your usage of social function. You could set those technologies through the browser and control these technologies better through other tools.
Some network browsers (including the Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome) have the "Do Not Track" ("DNT") function, and such function would notify the website that users don't hope their online activities are traced. If the website responding to the DNT signal receives the DNT signal, the browsers could prevent such website from preventing some information of the relevant browser users. Not all browsers provide the DNT function, and the DNT signal hasn't been unified at present. Hence, many enterprises including Yeetalk don't respond to the DNT signal.
4. SDK Data Collection
To ensure stable Yeetalk operation or achieve relevant functions and experience, we may have access to the Software Development Kits (SDK) provided by third parties to achieve the aforementioned purposes.
- Our product integrates Umeng+ SDK, which needs to collect your Mac address, unique identification code (IMEI/Android ID/IDFA/OPENUDID/GUID, SIM card IMSI information) on your device to provide statistical analysis services and provide basic anti-cheating capabilities through geographic location calibration report data accuracy.
- In order to provide you with one-click sharing service, our App has integrated Umeng+ U-Share SDK , which will collect your device identifiable information (such as IMEI/android ID/IDFA, etc.) and public information of social account in order to share information with social account. For your information security, we have made data security confidentiality agreements with Umeng+, who will strictly abide by our data privacy and security requirements. We will not share your personal identifiable information unless authorized by you. For more information, please log in https://www.umeng.com/policy to learn privacy policy of Umeng+.
5. Our method of using information
We use your information for the main purpose of providing and improving our service. Besides, we will use your information to protect your security and provide you with the advertising that you might be interested in. Please read the following text to know more detailed explanation and instance of various reasons why you use your information.
Manage your account and provide you with service
- Create and manage your account
- Provide you with support and respond to your requirements
- Complete your transaction
- Communicate with you about our service, including the order management and charging.
Help you contact other users
- Analyze individual data and usage behavior of you and other users, and recommend the meaningful contact accordingly.
- Display users' individual data to other users
Ensure you obtain consistent experience when using different equipment
- Connect various equipment you use so that you can enjoy consistent service experience in all equipment. We collect equipment and browser data when you log in account with different equipment, or use part of or all IP addresses, browser version or the similar data about your equipment in order to recognize and connect different equipment.
Improve our service and develop new service
- Manage the focus group and survey
- Research and analyze the user behavior to improve our services and contents (for example, we may decide to change the appearance and style as per users' behavior, even amend the specific function substantially)
- Develop new functions and services (for example, we may decide to create new interest-based function in allusion to the request proposed by the users).
Prevent, find and hit the fraud or other illegal or unauthorized activities
- Handle with the illegal behaviors in progress or suspected inside and outside the platform
- Analyze the data in order to understand and design the countermeasures in allusion to these activities better
- Reserve the data related to the fraud activities in order to prevent the fraud from occurrence
Ensure conformity of legal requirements
- Abide by the legal requirement
- Assist the law implementation
- Implement or exercise our rights, such as the rights included in our articles.
We handle with your information in the above method as per the following legal basis:
- Provide you with our service: In most cases, we handle with your information in order to perform the contract between you and us. For example, when you use our services to establish the meaningful contact, we will use you information to maintain your account and individual data and let other users see your information.
- Legitimate interests: We may use your information due to the legitimate interests. For example, we analyze the behavior of users upon usage of our service to constantly improve our services and products. We will suggest the discount you may be interested in as we think to you, and we will handle with information for the purpose of the management, fraud detection and other legal purposes.
- Agree: We may require you to content our usage of your information frequently due to some specific reason. You could contact us through the address provided at the end of the privacy policy at any time to revoke your consents.
6. How we share information
Since our objective is to help you establish the meaningful contact, so we set the function of sharing the user information with other users as per your privacy. We also share some user information with the service providers and partners assisting our operation service, other companies and (in some cases) legal institutions. Please read the following text to know more information about how we share your information with others.
- Share with other users
When you proactively disclose information (including individual data disclosed by you) in service, we will share the information with other users and select the individuals or Applications with you to share information when Yeetalk has the sharing function. Please share information carefully, and ensure the contents shared by you could be browsed publicly because once you share information, you or we couldn't control others to handle with your information in what method.
- Share with our service providers and partners
We may also share information with the partners who promote and assist us to propagandize our service. For example, we may share your limited information with the advertising partner in the hash and non-human readable format.
We will implement the strict review process before engaging any service provider or cooperating with any partner. All our service providers and partners must consent to strictly keep confidential.
- Share with other companies
We may share information with other companies for the purpose of legitimate business, for example, the company audits, analyzes and synthesizes report and abides by the applicable law. We may also share information other companies to delete the users who violate our service articles or are reported due to criminal activities or bad behavior. In some cases, we will delete the users from all platforms.
- Used for company transaction
If we completely or partially have the mergence, sales, purchase, stripping, recombination, reorganization, dissolution, bankruptcy or other changes of ownership or control right, we may transfer your information.
- Share information due to legal requirements
In the following case, we may disclose your information when reasonable and necessary: (i) Abide by the legal procedure, such as the writ, summon or search warrant, government/law enforcement investigation or other legal requirements; (ii) Assist precaution or find the criminal act (all of them is applicable to the legal restraint in each case); (iii) Protect the safety of anyone.
- Share information in order to implement the legitimate right
We will also share information in the following case: (i) The information disclosure would relieve our responsibilities in the actual litigation or possibly proposed litigation; (ii) Protect our legitimate right and the legitimate right demand of our users, business partners or other related parties; (iii) Implement the agreement between we and you; and (iv) Investigate and prevent the illegal activities, alleged fraud or other illegal behaviors or take other actions against them.
- Obtain your consent or comply with your requirements
You may request you to consent to share your information with the third party. On this occasion, we will specify why we want to share these information.
In any above condition, we may use and share non-personal information (refer to the information which couldn't confirm your identity, such as the equipment information, general demographic information or geographic position in de-identification format) and the individual information in the hash and non-human readable format. We may also share such kind of information with other companies acting as our service provider and the third party (especially the advertisers) for the convenience of making and projecting the directional advertisement on our service and the third-party website or Applications, and analyze and report the advertising browsed by you. We may combine this information with other non-individual information collected from other sources or the individual information in the hash and non-human readable format.
7. Cross-border data transmission
Share the information in part 5 which involves the cross-border data transmission sometimes, such as the transmission to America and other judicial districts. For example, when provide service for the customers in China, we may transmit their individual information to the countries/regions out of China. When the data are allowed to transmit from China to other countries/regions, we adopt the standard contract provisions approved by China or take other appropriate protective measures. The standard contract provisions agree the transmission of individual data among companies, and protect the privacy and security of your data.
8. Your rights
We hope you can control own information, so we provide you with the following functions:
- Access/ update function in service
You could directly access, amend or delete the information and account setting provided by you and related to your account in the service. If you have any doubt on these tools and setting, please contact us.
- Device permission
The mobile platform owns the permission system of specific types of equipment data and notice, such as the contact list, location service and push notification. You can change the setting on equipment, consent or refuse to collect the corresponding information or display the corresponding notice. Of course, if you do that, you may not share all functions of some services.
- Deletion.
You can directly use the corresponding function in service or directly contact us to delete your account.
- Check your information
The applicable privacy laws may give you the right to check your individual information saved by us (such right may be called as the access right, transfer right or other terms as per different jurisdictions). You could contact us to propose application, and request us to provide one copy of your individual information.
- Update your information
If you think your information we have isn't accurate or we have not right to use your information and hope to correct and delete the information or oppose us to handle with such information, please contact us.
In order to protect you and all of our users, we may require you to provide the identity certificate to respond to the above requests.
Please remind we may refuse the request due to some reasons, including illegal request, possible infringement of business secrets or intellectual property rights or other users' privacy. If you hope to receive the information related to other users, such as receiving any information sent by him or her through our service, such user must contact our privacy officers and consent our requirements in writing, then we can provide such information.
Besides, we may not meet some requests of handling with the individual information, especially when these requests would cause we couldn't continue providing you with the service, for example, we couldn't provide you with our services if failing to have your date of birth.
- Uninstallation
You could uninstall certain Applications as per the standard uninstallation process of your equipment to stop all information collection activities of it. If you uninstall such Applications from the mobile equipment, the unique identifier associated with your equipment will be continuously saved. If you reinstall such Applications on the same mobile equipment, we can associate such identifier with your previous transactions and activities again.
- Claim responsibility
If you have doubts in the method for us to handle with your individual information in some countries/regions (including European Union), you have the right to file a complaint to the corresponding data protection agency. The data protection agency that you can file a lawsuit to is most likely the data protection agency in your permanent residence, your working place or in the local.
9. How we protect your information
We strive to protect your individual information against the unauthorized access or change, disclosure or destruction. Like all technology companies, although we take the measures to protect your information, we can't guarantee and couldn't expect your individual information is always safe.
We would regularly monitor our system to find the possibly existing bug and attack, and regularly review the method of collecting, storing and handling with our information to update our physical, technical and organizational security measures. If we doubt or find any behavior of destroying the security, we may suspend your rights in using all or part of services without notice. If you think your account or information isn't safe, please immediately notify us.
10.How long we reserve your information
We will only reserve your individual information for the legitimate business purpose (refer to part 4) and within the time allowed in the applicable laws. In order to protect the safety of our users in and out of service, we will keep the safety reservation window period for 6 months after deletion of account. During that period, although the account isn't displayed in the service, the account information is still reserved.
In the practice, except for the following condition, we will delete your information or handle with the information anonymously after your account is deleted (after the safety reservation window period) or your account is inactive for a long time:
- We must reserve the information (for example, some "flow data" shall be reserved for one year in order to comply with the legal data retention obligation) as per the applicable law;
- In order to certify we abide by the applicable laws, we must reserve the information (for example, the customer service record and support data, and the record that you consent our clauses and privacy policies, and the record of other similar consents will be reserved for five years);
- When the pending questions, claims or disputes exist, we are required to reserve the relevant information till they are solved.
- In order to protect our legitimate business interests, such as prevention of fraud and enhancement of users' safety and guarantee, we must reserve information. We may need to reserve information in order to prevent the users who are prohibited to use the service due to the unsafe behavior or security incident from creating new account.
Please remember that although our system design allows deleting the data as per the above criteria, we can't guarantee all data will be deleted within the specific time due to the technical restriction.
11. Privacy policy change
Since we always seek for new and innovative method to help you establish the meaningful contact, this policy may change in the future. We will notify you before any major change takes into effect so that you have time to check the change.
Last Updated: May. 25, 2022